Post written by: Faye Savory, Chief Sender of Hugs at BearHugs
Today I received my 1000th BearHugs order. If I sit and think about 1000 (!!) people opening their hug in a box it is utterly overwhelming. It makes me so incredibly happy to know that, firstly there are so many kind-hearted people out there who want to make someone smile and, secondly, that so many people have received hugs on days when they potentially needed them.
I truly believe that small acts of kindness have the potential to make a really big difference. When I started my business, I said that if just one of my BearHugs gift boxes changed one person's day for the better I would be satisfied. Almost a year down the line I've received hundreds of emails from people who have either been happy to receive a box or sent one that brightened a loved one's day. I save every one of these emails and revisit them if I'm ever having a low moment. I really do believe I have the best job in the world and my (not so little now!) business brings me huge amounts of pride and fulfilment on a daily basis.